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Friday, July 10, 2009

Thomas the Tanks Engine Cake

OK... everytime I looked at the picture of this cake in my camera, I almost wanted to cry.. huhuhu.. got this done on one of the weekends when we had an over 5 hours power cut off!... that was a major BAD NEWS for me.. here's the story:

I was fortunate that the cake was baked in the morning as this power cut was in the afternoon after lunch time. That means no fan, no air-conditioning ..aaaaarrrgggghhh... I was thinking on top of my head "how am I gonna get this fondant to dry?" "How am I gonna roll this fondant and get the right texture?" " Will I make it on time for delivery?" in case you're all wondering fondant and humid air are not the best of friends soo...... with no air-con and no fan I told myself "I'm toasted!" "Really really toasted!"

So to cut the story short.. I took a few minutes break with my think tank.. went out to my garden for a little while checking on my fruit trees, just to relax and think... as if I was meditating at the same time.. hahaha.. then I slowly progressed working with the fondant... huhuhuhu... inda dapat on first attempt...2nd attempt pun inda jua.. "Adoi... jgn putus asa, you can do this" I told myself.. I was so detemined to succeed so slowly but surely after several trials Alhamdulillah I managed to finish this challenge, although it could've looked much better had it been in better circumstances

So my dear readers this was by far the biggest challenge we had.. not for the cake but for the fact that there was power cuts... looking on the bright side.. was fortunate all the baking was already done before lunch..pheewwww...


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