Salam everyone
Alhamdulillah, the first pilgrim flight is due to arrive this evening. Nini Ayah and Nini Babu Irfan are in that flight. TOT made these cupcakes especially for Irfan's ummi, Amy, to receive them safely home.
Mini Cuppies with chocolate ganache

Medium Cuppies - Two tones cream
With merci and grace from the Almighty, we hope all our pilgrims are bestowed with "Al-Haji Mabrur" Ameen..........
If you wish to order mini cuppies frosted with chocolate ganache, TOT's tag is $35 for 1 set of 49 pcs.
Happy Weekend everyone
Dearest lovely sis,the Mini Cuppies with chocolate ganache very delicious and nyam nyam u know what some of my cousin like this cupcakes luckily i keep spare for me hehehehe...really really delicious p/s: rugi nda makan tau my sis buat!!!!
hehehehehehehe nasib lah.. I havent had the chance to taste the choc ganache cuppies..
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